Friday, January 2, 2009

So here i am..

I am very new to writing. I have never been at ease at having posts being under the scanner. I mean i would have written stuff in my "daily" dairy which was never daily, more like once a month or so, but that's about how much writing i would have done in my life. I dipped my thoughts in it whenever i was extremely happy or extremely sad. And now being a mom which in itself is a daunting and exhausting responsibility that there is absolutely no time to speak of wherein i can sit at peace and write my thoughts. The only time i do get is an hour somewhere in the middle of the night or when sanath is at his best behavior which would last for say max 20 minutes. So why in the world would i want to take the little free time i have to write, of all the things in the world, a blog? Well, it could be that i always thought i was good at writing and this is the time where i can test my skills if any, (yeah right!!now i feel like writing..jeezzz). And if i discover that i don't have the talent to be a writer, so be it. I am not going to fret over it but i will continue to pen my thoughts and I will just tick off the writing part in the "things i need to do b4 i die" list. So all the best to me then. If you are reading this, i hope you like what thoughts i pour into this.

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